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young woody 12:08 Fri Dec 18
Frightening Friday Slurps!
Morning SONS.

Frightening Friday today - all the work parties will be out few people finishing work for a few weeks (Me included) all out on the piss can only lead to one thing. FIGHT!

So I am off to the local pub for a few with the cricket firm.

You mugs?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Gruesome Dump 3:06 Sat Dec 19
Re: Frightening Friday Slurps!
I don't like to read half-hearted racism on here, Chim.

Pack it in or make a proper effort.

chim chim cha boo 2:56 Sat Dec 19
Re: Frightening Friday Slurps!
I went to Ikea this morning, needed a tom-tit but some bastard had made the disabled bog look like it was decorated by Bobby sands.

Probably some disgusting African...

dicksie3 2:22 Sat Dec 19
Re: Frightening Friday Slurps!
I've had a couple of bugs this winter with exploding, watery shits...

Fucking nasty... The sooner it turns cold and these arsewiping cunt bugs die; the better...

bruuuno 2:19 Sat Dec 19
Re: Frightening Friday Slurps!
*shuffles uncomfortably in seat*

Gavros 2:13 Sat Dec 19
Re: Frightening Friday Slurps!
After a few nice ales last night we were up early today as were having friends over tomorrow for drinks. First stop Ikea, walked around and for the English breakfast (crap but only £2.50). Anyway we were walking through the market place bit picking up bits and bobs and I could feel my guts bubbling away good. By the time I gotto the checkout I was sweating profusely. Went to the bog and stumbled into the disabled one. Pulled down the keks and went to sit down but it wouldn't wait and because of the different height of the seat I missed it and a diuretic shit Of unprecedented power an volume came out, hit the back of the seat and sprayed all over the bog, floor, walls, sink. Miraculously none had touched me. Spent about 15 minutes trying to clean it up and used both of their full bog rolls doing so but must have missed plenty. They'll probably put it down to some unfortunate disabled person.

Anyway, off for a curry later.

w4hammer 2:10 Sat Dec 19
Re: Frightening Friday Slurps!
i was out in the west end- st christophers place early doors around 6 pm- bunch of lads with two young sikh lads on a works trip- in the space of about two beers one of them went from quiet, to dancing and singing like a cunt and then fell over cracked his head open and lost his turban.

Great entertainment!

bruuuno 2:05 Sat Dec 19
Re: Frightening Friday Slurps!
How do you tell the difference between a woman from Loughton and a man from Loughton? The man spends longer getting ready to go out


Nurse Ratched 2:04 Sat Dec 19
Re: Frightening Friday Slurps!
"women from Loughton"

Were they, perchance, orange skinned, cock loving whores ?



Takashi Miike 2:03 Sat Dec 19
Re: Frightening Friday Slurps!
Christmas jumper cunts, fucking hate them along with the once a year drinking fools that make this time of year unbearable, roll on January the 1st

dicksie3 1:59 Sat Dec 19
Re: Frightening Friday Slurps!
Wankers in Christmas jumpers with short-back-and-sides haircuts and bushy arsewiping cunt beards... Look-at-me pricks with musical jumpers/socks... Drink two pints and then fall all-over the gaff making even bigger cunts of themselves...

No, thanks... Glad I gave last night a miss...

chim chim cha boo 1:51 Sat Dec 19
Re: Frightening Friday Slurps!
I walked home through the West End last night at about 1AM and fuck me there were some casualties.

Girls passed-out in doorways with equally drunken friends trying to pull them up, blokes in alleys either pissing or puking, old bill everywhere and a girl slumped over completely sparko in a pool of her own sick who I thought should probably have gone to hospital.

By the time I got to Mornington Crescent and saw more lashed-up one-night-a-year amateur drinkers in horrendous Christmas jumpers I slipped up the side streets to avoid the carnage in Camden High Rd.

The horror. The horror.

bruuuno 10:51 Sat Dec 19
Re: Frightening Friday Slurps!
They were men sold0, it's an easy mistake to make

Mart O 4:30 Sat Dec 19
Re: Frightening Friday Slurps!
"women from Loughton"

Were they, perchance, orange skinned, cock loving whores ?

Northern Sold 4:14 Sat Dec 19
Re: Frightening Friday Slurps!
Magnificent evening with good chaps... met a load of women from Loughton ... asked him if they knew a estate agent called Boltkunt... never heard of him.... bloke is an absolute fool

Hammer and Pickle 1:36 Sat Dec 19
Re: Frightening Friday Slurps!
Problem phaze?

:^) 1:34 Sat Dec 19
Re: Frightening Friday Slurps!
I'd get a zip for it.

Hammer and Pickle 1:33 Sat Dec 19
Re: Frightening Friday Slurps!
Do you know how they go?

Takashi Miike 1:31 Sat Dec 19
Re: Frightening Friday Slurps!
Hammer and Pickle 1:19 Sat Dec 19

the master

Nurse Ratched 1:31 Sat Dec 19
Re: Frightening Friday Slurps!
A bifid tongue.

Would make it pretty difficult to eat soup, Faceboy. You sure about this?

:^) 1:29 Sat Dec 19
Re: Frightening Friday Slurps!
Talking of two vaginas, I LOVE Hazel Jones and I would fight mythical beasts for her sweet, sweet lovings.

I'd get my tongue cut down the middle too.


Johnson 1:27 Sat Dec 19
Re: Frightening Friday Slurps!
I've not seen a single youth on the streets round my bit in years luckily.

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